Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Field trip to Bainbridge Island

Bainbridge Island

On August,4 we had a field trip at Bainbridge Island, and we took the bus to Pioneer Square and transferred to the ferry. Because of approach the lunch time, and we don't familiar with Bainbridge. So we needed to ask people to recommend the shops and restaurants. I asked three people with my partner, and one of them said Streamliner Dine, another let us to use tour information, the other said Nola Coffee. In the ferry, I decided to eat at Streamliner Dine, because a lot of people recommended there.

When we arrived there, first, I saw Streamliner Dine. But there was too much people in the line and there foods was not really attracted me, so we keep going and decided to eat at the other place.  
This is the picture of Streamliner Dine

So we went to another restaurant to eat, that restaurant called Fork & Spoon, and it sold some salad, sandwiches...... I ordered a turkey sandwich with season fruits, and I like it. I think this restaurant's quality was not bad, the veggie was fresh and it tasted good. So I recommend this restaurant to you, you can sit both inside and outside. And we had seat at outside to enjoy sunshine and had special experience.

 When I got off the ferry, I saw a wish tree. And there was a lot of wishes on the tree.
Then at Bainbridge had some sculptures of frogs, I think it maybe was Bainbridge's symbolize.
Then my partner and me visited some different stores, we went to the candle store, art store, cloth store, book store, candy store, and church.
There was a store I really liked it, it sold some pretty jewelries, painting, stones, sculpture, music...... I really liked these small thing, and the staff told me all the things was designed by local artists. And music in this store made me feel very comfortable, because it combined birdsong and classic music, let me felt relax and delighted.
These is different shop at Bainbridge

This is my favorite store, I think its music could encourage people, and I love it a lot.
And this is the church, but we didn't have enough time to visit it.

Different and similar thing with my country

In my country, if we want to go to a island we need to take a plane or spend more times to take a ship.
But in Seattle, island is pretty closed to main land. 
And the similar thing is, the small island is more relax and scenery is prettier. Moreover, both Bainbridge and my country's island have special symbolize.

Though Bainbridge is not as progress as big city, but I think there is a very lovely place. If I have chance, I'll be glad to go there again.