Sunday, July 20, 2014

Explore to Gas Work Park.

Gas Work Park

This weekend I went to Gas Work Park with my aunt and cousin, this is the picture of Gas Work Park's map and introduction.
It talk about why this park was created and its story.

The History in Gas Work Park

This was the first time I went to the Gas Work Park, this is a very famous park in Seattle, I heard it several times. But I don't know why it is so popular. So I chose it to explore and have fun. Before the day I went there, I had searched the internet about the park's history and some interesting things. I found out the reason why it called Gas Work Park is, it constructed a factory in 1906, and this factory manufactured gas from coal - later converted to crude oil. Then Seattle acquired the site for a park in 1962, and in 1975 this park was opened for public. And it used to call Myrtle Edwards Park, because Myrtle Edwards was a person who had a lot of contributions of this park.
These are the picture of the factory of Gas Work Park.

The Special Things and Activities

Gas Work Park has a large area and it is very beautiful, because it located on the north shore of Lake Union. So it has some water sports, like some people will boating in the lake, it including  tugs, yachts, tour ships, sailboats, kayaks and canoes. I am very interested in activities of  Lake Union. Some people also will kite flying and picnic there, because it also features an artificial kite-flying hill.

This is the picture of people boating in the lake.
The artificial kite-flying hill also with an elaborately sculptured sundial built into its summit.

And it has some wild ducks in the park.

Actually, I don't know what the animal is. But it is very cute, and the parents protected their kids a lot.
Be careful and don't be too closed with them, or they will hurt you.
Another beautiful scenery is you can see the downtown Seattle when you in the Gas Work Park. Because it located on west Seattle, so across the lake is Seattle Center.

And when I was walking on the Gas Work Park, I found out there has so many houseboats. It really surprised at me, because inside houseboats it also has electricity, water and some daily necessities. So houseboat not only is peoples' house, but also can carry them travel around. So cool, isn't it?

Compare My Country's Park and Gas Work Park 

In my country, park doesn't have a lake. It just a small park let people to exercise, walking, and relax. We also can flying the kite in the park, but we don't have any water activity in the park. Compare my own country, Gas Work Park has history and large area to engaged in different activities.

My country's park.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Start my adventure

Seattle Art Museum


Every month's first Thursday, Seattle's museum will be free, so we went to SAM to appreciate the painting and sculpture ..... This is the first time I've been to SAM, I really liked it and had fun, because there have a lot of different culture's exhibition. I think everything can be art, food can be art, and beautiful scenery can be art. Because art cannot just confine of painting, sculpture or photo. If you think it is art, it would be art. This is my definition of art. I chose two different sections to visit, one is eastern culture, another one is western culture. Then let me introduce the section I've visited and my favorite art.

 Nature and Pattern in Japanese Design

This is the first part I've been to visit, it full all of Japanese historical relic. In this section has some traditional  woman clothes, traditional hanging scroll, and some beautiful plates. My favorite staff call Peonies, it is a hanging scroll, the reason why I love it, is because it has a lot of color, and I think this is very graceful, and magnificent.

Decorative Arts and Design

The other section I have visited is Decorative Arts and Design, this part full a lot of paintings and sculptures, and it is more modern than Japanese section, because all of paintings and sculptures can appear of progress of the times, people's life and the situation of the city, so compare the traditional eastern art, it shows more humanity in the painting. This is my favorite staff in this section, it is the window call " Peonies in the Wind. "
The reason why I like it is the color on this staff is very bright. And the meaning is according to a friend , painter John interests in decoration of architectural interiors "let him to the careful observation of ancient stained glass, with a view to providing the modern world with something that might be to it what the window of Reims Cathedral... were to the Middle Ages." I like both of painting and meaning of this staff.
This is the elevator from Chicago stock Exchange.

This is "Women at Work." It show the live of women in 19 century.

This is "Spring on West 78th Street." This painting was painted on 20 century, the painter was an American, and he loved New York and spent most of  time in New York. So he painted it to described the city in his mind.

Compare the Art Museum of my Country and SAM

This is the art museum in my country, sometimes we will have some exhibition about famous painters and special sculptures, but we don't have different culture's exhibition at the same time.
This is SAM, its exhibition has different culture's staff,so it is very different from the museum of my hometown.